What does the course cover?
Explore the Windows 10 interface, pre-installed applications, learn how to browse the web, view and share photos, manage your files and understand your file system. You will master the new Windows 10 technologies and benefit from the new applications and options it has to offer.
Windows 10 – What you get

How to Upgrade to Windows 10
5 Tutorials

Windows 10 – Getting Started
20 Tutorials

What’s new in Windows 10
21 Tutorials

Complete User Guide
77 Tutorials
Course Preview
Each course contains high quality, professional video lessons, downloadable exercise files and real-world templates for you to use.

Course Details
Section 1: Operating system navigation
- Lesson 1: Introduction
- Lesson 2: Opening, Navigating And Using The New Start screen
- Lesson 3: Opening Action Centre And Dealing With Notifications
- Lesson 4: Accessing And A Quick Overview Of Settings
- Lesson 5: Personalising The Desktop And Lock Screen
- Lesson 6: Setting Up A Picture Password And A PIN
- Lesson 7: Signing Into A Microsoft Account
- Lesson 7: Switch To Tablet Mode
Section 2: Cortana
- Lesson 1: Introducing Cortana
- Lesson 2: Search Cortana
Section 3: Microsoft Edge
- Lesson 1: What Is Microsoft Edge And Where Has Internet Explorer gone
- Lesson 2: Browsing Using Edge
- Lesson 3: Introduction To New Features
Section 4: Core Apps
- Lesson 1: Overview Of The Mail Application
- Lesson 2: Overview Of The Calendar Application
- Lesson 3: Overview Of The People Application
Section 5: Other Apps
- Lesson 1: Overview Of The News, Sport And Weather Apps
- Lesson 2: Overview Of The Photos, Film & TV And Music Apps
Section 6: Windows App Store
- Lesson 1: Microsoft Account Requirements
- Lesson 2: Searching And Downloading Applications
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